Calm lady

Mindfulness refers to a mental state reached by focusing one’s awareness on the present moment while peacefully accepting and acknowledging one’s bodily sensations, thoughts, and feelings. It is commonly used as a therapeutic technique to ease stress, anxiety and depression. This practice is gaining popularity as a way to be more engaged and present in life.

The fact is that integrating mindfulness activities into your daily routine can be extremely simple, regardless of your age. With a little presence of mind, almost anything you do can turn into an opportunity for mindfulness, whether you’re a child, a teen, or an adult.

Today we are going to learn about five mindfulness activities that can help you improve self-control, concentration, and objectivity and reduce stress, anxiety and other mental problems.

Mindful Yoga

Yoga is an excellent way to achieve mindfulness. There are various types of yoga; however, most forms of this ancient Hindu discipline involve simple mindful movements. Slower practices like Kundalini yoga or Hatha yoga include chanting and meditation, which are perfect for attaining inner peace.

Whether you’re a yoga expert or not, you can still perform mindful yoga by being conscious of your movements and sensations during asanas. Instead of focusing on the outcome, you should concentrate on the process of the asana.

Breathing Techniques

Breathing is the most common technique to focus your mind in the present moment. When you feel frustrated, anxious, or stressed, it’s easy to get entangled in your thoughts and spiral down the black hole. However, breathing techniques like 4-7-8 can help you stay calm and reduce feelings of anxiety and stress.

There are various other ways to practice mindful breathing, and the most simple technique is to sit straight in a comfortable posture, close your eyes, and concentrate on your breathing pattern.

Body Sense

Yes! It’s the time to connect with your body. It is common not to notice changes outside or inside the body, whether they are good or bad. Fortunately, a quick routine can help you harmonize with your body.

  • Find a comfortable spot on the floor and lie down. Ensure you are lying on your back.
  • As you rest, start mentally scanning your body from top to bottom. Make sure you concentrate on each body part separately, one at a time.
  • Ask yourself these questions while scanning each body part: Do you sense any discomfort? Is any part sore or tight? Does your body feel strangely hot or cold, considering today’s weather?
  • Then, slowly sit up and reflect after completing the procedure.

Gratitude List

Making a gratitude list can help promote positivity and improve well-being by reminding you of things that you’re grateful for. Start by adding 5-7 items to your list every day and include them in your schedule to stay consistent.

You can write the list just after waking up to kick start your day or write down a few things that you’re thankful or grateful for before lying down in bed at night.

Single Tasking

A busy mind can’t focus on one thing for a long time. Single-tasking is the ability to direct one’s mind and focus only on one single task while avoiding interruptions until the task is completed. This ensures that your mind stays in the present with all its dimensions and without disruption. Combined with mindfulness, it leads to increased peace, more quality work, less stress and more happiness.

If you’re working on the computer, first complete the task you’re given. Close all the tabs that are not related to the project you are working on. This helps create laser focus and free up space in your mind.

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